Picture of BarTender Label & RFID Software

BarTender Label & RFID Software

BarTender is the world's leading software for designing and printing labels, barcodes and RFID tags. Running stand-alone or integrated with just about any ERP application

BarTender Editions Summary

BarTender is available in four editions that address a wide range of features and user requirements. This general overview is followed by a more detailed Features and Editions Comparison Chart.

Printer Licensing: Both "Automation" editions allow unlimited network users. With these editions, licensing is based on the maximum number of printers used by BarTender on the network.

Enterprise Automation

Our most powerful edition. Includes all of the label designprintingsoftware integration, and data sourcing features of the Automation edition, plus advanced server functions for centralized printingsecurity and administration. Includes BarTender Web Print Server to print labels from any browser. Contains our mostadvanced integration features, including TCP/IP triggers, SAP AIIOracle XML, XML transforms, and XML scripting. Includes full functionality for all of the Companion Applications, including Librarian and logging to centralized databases. Tracks printer parts inventory and in-printer media usage.


Includes - All of BarTender's most powerful label design features. Numeroussoftware integration tools, such as ActiveX Automation, enterprise messaging and Seagull's Commander utility for cross-platform integration. All the data sourcing of Professional, plus support for SAP IDocs. Includes all of the Companion Applicationsexcept for Librarian, but not all of the features. Logging to local databases only. Includes all available RFID design and encoding capabilities.

Omits - Does not offer the enhanced server functions, advanced integration (such as XML and SAP AII), and web printing capabilities of Enterprise Automation (see above). No Librarian. Excludes some Companion Application features. No logging to centralized databases. No inventory control of printer supplies.

PC Licensing: The Professional and Basic editions are licensed based on the number of PCs used.


Includes - All of BarTender's most powerful label design features. Data access for network databases (using OLE DB and ODBC), as well as spreadsheets and text files. Includes two of the Companion ApplicationsBatch Maker and Print Station.

Omits - No control from within other software. (No ActiveX, Commander or command lines.) No SAP or XML support. No job logging or e-mailed error alerts. Cannot export printer code templates. Excludes all features omitted from the Automation edition.  No Printer Maestro. Does not include many of the Companion Applications.


Includes – The most frequently used label design features. Includes all text, graphics, bar code, and most serializing capabilities. Useful for keyboard and scanner-supplied label data only. Print Station is the only included Companion Application.

Omits – No access to external data. No password protection of label formats, no VB Script customization, no string concatenation, and only limited text filtering. No custom-base serialization. Excludes all features omitted from Professional, plus noBatch Maker.

Features and Editions Comparison Chart

The following chart compares the features available in each of the four editions of the BarTender Application Suite.

Edition heading abbreviations:

EA = Enterprise Automation
A = Automation
P = Professional
B = Basic

Grid characters used:

= Feature is fully supported
= Partially supported
= Supports shareable centralized databases
= Supports local databases only
= Supports all printers and print jobs on the network
= Works for local and network printers (and print jobs) that have drivers installed on the local PC
= Only supported using RFID fonts and not BarTender's fully-featured, native RFID objects

Current feature comparison mode:



Basic serialization: Numeric (base 10), alphabetic (base 26), and concatenated numeric and alphabetic sequences with increment / decrement by any interval
Advanced serialization: Alphanumeric (base 36), hexadecimal (base 16), and custom base serialization  
Separate rollover / rollunder and value reset options
Preserve or expand field length when rolling over
Design print-time data entry forms for keyboard and bar code scanner data
Data from weighing scales supported by data entry forms    
Microsoft OLE DB and ODBC support, including drivers for:  Access, AS/400, Btrieve, dBase, Excel, Informix, Interbase, MySQL, Oracle database, Pervasive.SQL, PostgreSQL, Progress, SQL Server, Sybase, and more  
Read Excel files  
Read ASCII & Unicode text files (quote & comma, fixed width, and user-defined delimitation)  
SAP-certified interface to AII (Auto ID Infrastructure) XML documents      
Read data from SAP IDocs    
Oracle-certified interface to XML label requests      
Drag and drop data linking  
Versatile multiple-table data access  
Import variable graphics from databases  
Data query wizard and custom SQL assistant  
Individual record-picking at print time  
Full-system Unicode support (field names, files,
servers, printers, etc.)
Visual Basic scripting for custom data processing  
Visual Basic scripting for document open, close, save, and print-time events    
User-definable min and max field lengths
Use and/or exclude select portions of database fields  
Customizable data-entry filters and error checking  
Custom configure the handling of individual messages and alerts    
Multiple sub-fields (sub-strings) concatenated per label object  
Source data with keyboard, time and date (from PC or printer)
Easy entry of special and "unprintable" control characters
Shareable data fields  
Any label size
Any number of label rows and columns per sheet
Automatic computation of label size from number of rows and columns
Database of thousands of name brand label sizes
Rectangular label outline
Circular and elliptical label outline  
Security Center manages user permissions and encrypts label formats    
Security Center supports electronic signatures and logs permission requests      
Lock down individual label formats with passwords  
Lock down BarTender into a password-protected "print-only" mode  
History Explorer audits past label jobs and other events    
Include label images when logging BarTender print jobs      
Log revision number and change descriptions into the document file  
Librarian manages label format publishing, revision tracking, and rollback within a secure database      
True WYSIWYG label design
Programmatically modify label objects during print jobs    
Design labels up to 128 inches (3.25 m) long and/or wide (subject to limits of printer and driver)
"New Label" wizard ensures proper label setup and
optimizes performance
Two-sided design  
Drag and drop creation of all objects, including lines, boxes, ellipses, and graphic images
To simplify conversion from legacy systems, import and lighten photographs of old labels for use as design templates  
Unlimited undo / redo command
Resize and reposition objects using a choice of methods: Mouse, arrow keys, typed in values
Functions for automatic alignment of multiple objects
One-tenth degree rotation of lines, boxes, text, and graphics
"Move to Front" and "Send to Back"
Group and Ungroup multiple objects
Live database view in objects in label design area  
Export bar codes and labels for use in other programs  
Full color support for all label objects
Combine multiple label objects into reusable components
Library of "ready-to-print" label formats
Thumbnail previews of saved label formats, viewable
both in BarTender and Windows explorer
Metric and US measurements
SAP Certified for AII      
Read data from SAP IDocs    
Oracle certified for WMS and MSCA      
Oracle XML integration using a TCP/IP socket      
Supports IBM WebSphere Sensor Events      
Commander processes file, e-mail and serial port triggers    
Enhanced version of Commander supports TCP/IP triggers and data transmission      
Commander optimized to receive, launch, and monitor new print jobs without waiting for existing jobs to finish      
Commander can return XML status response as a file or through a TCP/IP port      
Detailed print job status available to other programs using ActiveX      
.NET SDK to control one BarTender at a time. (C# & VB.NET examples included)    
.NET SDK to control multiple instances of BarTender at once      
.NET SDK for BarTender System Database allows automated review and reprinting of past label jobs    
.NET SDK for Librarian allows automated file add, remove, rename, check in and out, etc.      
ASP.NET sample application for customizable web browser printing      
Automated conversion of different XML formats using XSL style sheets      
BarTender XML Command Scripts speed up automation and simplify remote control      
Commander. (Controls BarTender in response to triggers from other programs)    
Security Center. (Provides security features for other applications in the suite, such as user permissions and format encryption)    
Printer Maestro. (Administers to printers and print queues on the network)    
Librarian. (Controls access, manages workflow, and tracks revisions to label formats and other documents within a secure database)      
History Explorer. (Views the logs stored in the BarTender System Database)    
Reprint Console. (Reprints previously printed labels)    
Print Station. (Provides a simple "single-click" interface for selecting and printing label formats)
Batch Maker. (Defines and prints "batches" of multiple label formats)  
Full-featured native RFID objects    
Basic RFID support only, using printer fonts      
Encode EPC Gen2, EPC Class 1, ISO 18000-6b, ISO 15693, Tag-It,
I-CODE, TagSys, My-d, and Picotag tag types
Supports DoD, Wal-Mart, and other EPC data formats, including SGTIN, SSCC, GIAI, GID, GRAI, SGLN  
Support for many single and double-byte codepages, including Asian languages, UTF-8 and UTF-16  
Able to duplicate either the text or hexadecimal representation of the RFID data in text and bar code form    
Supports optional write protection  
Segment and Start Block support, including writing to multiple blocks  
Able to configure printer's RFID options (e.g., Transponder Offset and Maximum Retries)  
Display antenna, chip, and substrate on label. Select predefined or specify custom antenna bitmaps    
Draw lines, circles, ellipses, rectangles, rounded rectangles and filled rectangles
Import more than 70 graphic formats, including BMP, DCX, DIB, DXF, EPS, GIF, IMG, JPG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIF, WMF, WPG, and more
TWAIN and WIA support for image scanners and cameras  
Basic image processing: Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, sharpness, smoothing, cropping and more  
Industry-specific graphic symbol font libraries
Linked graphics allow changes to external graphics without having to edit label formats  
Specify background images and colors to appear "behind" label designs
Licensed based on the number of printers used    
Licensed based on the number of PCs used    
Free phone and e-mail technical support for properly-registered users
HTML-based context-sensitive help
User interface translated into 20+ languages
Numerous 1 and 2 dimensional symbologies
Extensive library of industry-standard bar code formats
Option to display start / stop characters
Variable and unlimited width and height
Minimum width limited only by printer resolution
GS1 (formerly UCC/EAN) Application Identifier Data Source Wizard
Automatic check digit capability
Sequentially numbered bar codes
Place "human readable" text anywhere in relation to bar codes
Customizable "human readable" character template
Independently suppress or display characters from different sub-fields  
Optimized for high-volume label requests from numerous network users to one or more servers      
Browser-based network and internet printing      
Windows Cluster Server supported      
Reprint Console lets you search for and replace lost and damaged labels    
Configure security, spooler and other selected driver settings for multiple printers at once.    
Printer Maestro displays status of all Windows print jobs in one window    
Printer Maestro tracks printer media usage and inventory of printer parts. Generates custom alerts.      
Log printer events for Windows print jobs other than just those from BarTender      
Specify custom alerts for printer events and low inventory levels      
Versatile font support: TrueType, Adobe, PostScript, downloadable, and built-in printer fonts
On-screen text editing and sizing
Powerful Rich Text formatting using on-screen WYSIWYG editor  
Stretch text horizontally or vertically
Automatic on-the-fly resizing of text to fit within predefined height and width  
Basic Paragraph Formatting: Multiple paragraph alignment methods and line spacing control
Advanced Paragraph Formatting: Paragraph indenting and inter-paragraph spacing  
Arc and circular text  
User-definable tab stops  
White-on-black text printing (specified with a single mouse click)
Support for RTF, HTML, and XAML  
More than 2,400 industrial label printers supported
True Windows drivers, can be used by other programs
Seagull drivers with status monitor display printer status in the standard Windows spooler
Two-sided ("duplex") printing
Batch Maker defines and prints "batches" of multiple label formats  
Print Station supports "single-click" label selection and printing
Export printer code templates to XML enabled printers    
Advanced on-screen print preview
Advanced cutter control  
Set starting position on pages of partially used labels
Supports printer-based bar codes, serial numbers,
time, date, and copies
Speed optimization reuses repeating data instead of resending it
Local and network printer support
Label copy count controllable from keyboard and database  
Can be run as "background" application    
Control from other programs using ActiveX    
Control from other programs using command lines    
Commander Integration Utility: senses incoming data, then starts print jobs and logs results    
Specify label formats and data sources from within other programs    
Automated printer selection    
Log to file: Errors and events  
Log to database: Errors and events, plus BarTender print job details    
Custom error, event and status e-mails    
Export printer code templates for SAPscript-ITF, keypads, printers that accept XML, and more    


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